Installment sales agreements with the consumer include financial leasing agreements that offer the consumer the opportunity to take ownership of the products at the end of the term.

With the Setaksit application, you can sell your products on a term basis with an installment sales contract.

Cetaxide application;

  • It offers sales opportunities with different interest rate and limit definitions by creating special customer and product groups.
  • It automates your sales processes with options to calculate customer limit, limit contracts, and issue sales contracts with installments.
  • It offers options such as return processes management and related customer returns, payment plan revisions.
  • Manages your service network with the Reseller Portal; It supports and expands your sales and operational functions such as announcements, pre-application, application tracking and updates.

  • With its wide integration library, point of sale application provides independent, omni-channel experience opportunity for financial applications.
  • It supports your collection processes from different banks with Online Payment automations.
  • Thanks to the permissions to be obtained by the consumer and the integration with external financial applications such as Findeks, Setaksit can carry out all these processes simultaneously or in isolation (synchronous-asynchronous).
  • It manages periodic and instant SMS and E-mail notifications at critical points needed.